This past weekend was another exchange student meeting, but this time with both the Czech Republic and the Slovakia inbounds. We met in a town named Hodonin, basically on the border of the two countries. I was late on Friday because Karel had to work late, but it was so great to see everyone again.
We all greeted each other like old friends, and immediately befriended the people from the other country. Friday night was a night to get to know the town and catch up with how everyone's schools were going. I went to a cafe with four other friends and tried 'chocolate', which is hot chocolate pudding with added ingredients such as hazelnuts or cinnamon. Simply heavenly. People were up late talking and dancing, but I went to bed at 1:00 to keep my sanity. Saturday was the 'cultural activity' day. The Czech students went on a boat ride in the earlier part of the morning along a river that forms the border between the Czech and Slovak Republics. So Slovakia is yet another country I've seen and not been in. Mid morning we switch places with the Slovaks, so they went on the boat and we were supposed to go back to the hotel. Some of us chose to walk back, while others rode the bus. The walking group was stopped at a dog show when the bus group appeared, talking about how the bus just crashed into a tree and shattered a window. Everyone walked back.:)
The two groups were back together for lunch, then we were given three options for the afternoon. We could go to the zoo, have free time, or go to a museum. I chose to go to the museum. The 12 museum goers split into different cars, and my car load rocked out to Queen music the entire way. I might not have been in Bohemia at the time, but it was still great to listen to Bohemian Rhapsody in the Czech Republic. The museum was an open air display of typical area buildings from the 17-1900s. The weather was perfect, and our Czech teacher, Tomas, translated what the tour guide said into English. One part of the tour was a vineyard, where we all ate our share of very tasty grapes. On the way back to the hotel, we stopped in the little town where the museum was and looked (unsuccessfully) for an ice cream stall. Instead we looked at a beautiful old church and enjoyed the quaint atmosphere of the town.
After dinner we were free to go out on the town. People split up into smaller groups and explored more. I ended up in the same cafe, but with different people who I hadn't spent as much time with. Its great how we can get along with everyone in the group!! Later some people set up a disco on the top floor of the hotel and people danced into the early morning.
Sunday was a quieter day. The Slovak kids had to leave after breakfast, and the Czech students had another language lesson with Tomas, whom we love like a favorite uncle. The Slovak inbounds have a language test in December, and if they don't pass they will most likely be sent home. I'm glad that we don't have that kind of pressure. Our Rotary organizer thinks that a test is a stupid concept....Go him!!
After lunch people slowly split off into groups to go back to their towns. Such bittersweet goodbyes, but our next get-together is Thanksgiving. Turkey and James Bond appears to be on the menu. It will be our first holiday away from our home countries, so I'm glad that we will be together. I'm still trying to figure out how to explain Halloween to my host family.
More pictures have been posted in a new folder and in the Trutnov and Rock Town folders....enjoy!!
You are living the Good life.
Joshua Leu
Hey Bronwyn,
Great Blog!
Seems that you're having a great time interspersed with the joys of navigating a foreign education system.
all the best
oh my i am so glad you have a strong stomach! your blog is so very interesting! i noted that my neighbor Rayna posted a note. she was so excited to know that she would be visiting the Czeck Republic while you are there.
love, auntie sara
that sounds like so much fun. It sounds like you are making a lot of friends. You are having a MUCH more active social life than me right now. Mine is work, schoolwork and guess what. Work. I can't wait to get a break from tests and essays. Considered yourself blessed Bronwyn. How is the weather over there? ON Canada got its first snow on Oct. 10. I had no idea other countries didn't do halloween...good luck explaining it. I am trying to figure out what to be this year... any ideas? What do you want for Christmas Bronwyn...so I can send it early, lol.
See ya
WOW your pictures are so many so good. I have a suggestion though...only take as many pictures of a mountain as you can find as many different and interesting angles. Some of them looked a bit similar. I loved your house pictures and pictures of you. ALWAYS make sure there are pictures of you. Thats what we all want to see.
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