Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Rotary and Czech Culture

I had my first REAL Rotary meeting with my club last night, and I still hold everyone in high regards. The guest speaker was a businessman who was somehow connected to a big stadium (in think in Prague). He showed a video of the building process and opening events, which was interesting. The interest level on my part went down when he proceeded to talk for over an hour and a half about topics that went over my head. I played my part and sat and smiled, and paid attention like a good exchange student should. I was glad when he ended and dinner began. Dinner was served buffet style, and included GREEN VEGGIES!! My heart did a little dance. Rotary seems to have good taste in food.
When I was back at the table for dessert, one Rotarian struck up a conversation with me about school. I flexed my Czech skills, and we seemed to understand each other. He then helped me with some new vocabulary and a review of old vocab by going around the table and asking me names of foods. I surprised myself with how much I've learned.
Well, I think its time to tell more about my new country...Not what you learn in text books either. First, the new Miss World is from here, as of this weekend. People don't lie when they say that the women here are beautiful. Also, there have been mammoth bones found in Northwest Bohemia in the past month, for all you science nerds out there.
Some parts of everyday life are really new and different for me. Man capris....Need I say more? One habit that appears everywhere is socks and sandals, even in teenagers. I have always tried to train my family not to do it, but I'm slowly accepting it. Also, I have new (healthier) eating habits. During the school week I eat 5 or 6 small meals throughout the day instead of 3 big ones, so my metabolism is speeding up. My classmates do the same thing, its just normal here.
Little things were different for me at first, though I'm used to them now. All of the bath towels are the size of hand towels. No, I haven't gotten the two piles confused in the linen closet. Also, the beds have no sheets. I sleep on a mattress with a cover, and under a feather comforter. Its nice in the current fall weather, but I don't know if it will change in winter.
I know I talk a lot about the food, but it is good!! Another new favorite is Rohlik, a small long bread roll. People buy fresh bread a couple times a week, instead of processed stuff that is so common in the U.S. I have potatoes every day with at least one meal. My host family drinks a lot of tea, but I know it can vary by family. Many people prefer sparkling water, which took me a while to get used to. Its sort of like Perrier, but with more flavor options. I have seens lemon, orange, grapefuit, and pear.

Again, I keep posting pictures!!! Please check back often.


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