Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I safely arrived in Prague Yesterday at 13:20. My host father met me at the airport and we imediately went to Micha Lake, about an hour away. My host mother and youngest sister arrived at the hotel later, when my father, Karel, and I were in the middle of lunch. We are staying at the Hotel Port. It is beautiful here. This morning I went on a boat tour of the lake on an old boat, then walked two kilometers to a beach. After lunch, I joined my host mother, my youngest host sister (Miša), and a family friend as they went into the near-by town. I got to see the friend"s house, which was a treat. This trip took the rest of the afternoon. I just finished dinner, and jetlag is really catching up to me. More later.


Anonymous said...

Glad that you arrived safely, and are in the care of a loving family. Misa will be a great teacher for you in learning the Czech language! Enjoy the people, the land, and the culture, and we all appreciate your communications about your experiences! We miss you in the quiet house, but know that you are having the adventure of your lifetime! Take care. Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Hi Bron, thanks for the updated blog! We miss you but at least can keep touch through the blogsite.

Stay healthy and happy Bron and Fiona and I will write back -- Dina only eats and snores, but sends woofs.

Tom, Fiona & Dina